By | March 24, 2012

Retired Lists Dates

Can you believe that the new catalog is only a couple months away? As was announced at leadership, with the new catalog strategy, the current catalog will end on May 31, and the new catalog will begin on June 1. And with new catalogs always come retiring products! To help you get ready for the upcoming retired lists, we are announcing when they will be released ahead of time.

Here are the dates:

The Retired Stamp List will be released on April 15, 2012.

This list will be available through May 31, 2012. In previous years demonstrators have asked for a little more time for the Retired Stamp List, so we are releasing this list earlier than the Retired Accessories List.

The Retired Accessories/Décor Elements Lists will be released on April 25, 2012.

These lists will be available through May 31, 2012. Retiring accessories and Décor Elements will only be available while supplies last, so encourage your customers to place their orders early. We are releasing these lists later than the Retired Stamp List in order to reduce disruptions to your workshops or other events caused by running out of these products too early.

These retired lists will be running at the same time as the Summer Smooches promotion, so to avoid drawing attention away from Summer Smooches, we will not market the retired lists heavily on the Customer Website during the month of April. However retired lists are always very popular, and as demonstrators you are welcome and encouraged to distribute the flyers and promote these lists to your customers.

Look for more information about retired lists, the new catalog strategy, and mailing selector in the coming weeks!

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