Special – Special – Special!

By | May 29, 2011

Hi Stampers

I have a card for you today but it will be posted later on in the day.  Just wanted to get out this special ASAP!

Memorial weekend 

In celebration of memorial weekend and for those of us who are staying home instead of on the road, I thought I would hold a no taxes, free shipping special.

That's right!  Between now and 6 pm (Central time), Tuesday, 31 May 2011, place an order of $50.00 or more and you will receive no taxes, free shipping on your order.

Two ways to do this:

  1. E-mail me your wish list and I'll send you an invoice
  2. Place your order through my Stampin' Store

If you e-mail me your list, you can pay via paypal or credit card.   If I don't have your cc on file, you can send me your cc information with your list.

If you place an order through my Stampin' Store, I can reimburse you via paypal or a check.

This will also guarantee that you will be one of the first ones to receive the new 2011/2012 Idea Book and Catalog which I will order on 1 June 2011.

What else is happening this month:

What's happening 

Win a free stamp set or save on stamp sets at 30% off.

  1. Retirement List Contest - Guess which stamp sets are retiring
  2. Free Stamp Set of the Month - The stamp set is On the Grow
  3. 30% Off Select Stamps - Try scrapbooking!
  4. Perfect Opportunity - Join our family for only $122.00
  5. Beyond the Garden Card Kit Tutorial – free with $50.00 purchase
  6. 7 Watercolor Wonders Tutorials – Learn 7 different ways to watercolor with Watercolor Crayons

Thanks for stopping by today!

2 thoughts on “Special – Special – Special!

  1. rachel

    love your new design on the website. Great specials too!


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