3/16″ Corner Punch Tips, Tricks, and Training Video

By | July 23, 2011
July 21, 2011


Do you have questions on your 3/16" Corner Punch? Is it working the way you had hoped? If you're having trouble achieving the results you want, try these tips:

  • Make sure your paper is cut square. Your paper should have straight sides for the punch to work properly. 
  • Your paper should fit snugly into both edges of the guides and into the back of the punch. It is critical that you don't try to center the paper by looking through the bottom of your punch;  instead, align your paper using the guides. 
  • Set the paper fully into both guides, as well as the back of the punch, almost pressing your paper down into the guides by curling the outside edge of the paper up. Push your paper flush against the guides as far as it will go into the back of the punch. If your paper isn't fully set against both guides, you will not get a good, clean punch. 
  • If you don't get a perfect corner, try centering your paper in the guides and punching again; your design should punch correctly. Don't worry; sometimes it takes some practice.
  • Cut only one sheet at a time. This punch is designed to cut only one sheet of card stock or Designer Series Paper at a time.

We have also posted a helpful training video in the Video Technique section of the demosntrator website. We hope that these tips and tricks will help you better utilize the 3/16" Corner Punch.  

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