
By | September 13, 2010

Hi Stampers!

Thanks to all of you who participated in the "Memories of my Grandparents" contest.  It was so hard to select a winner because I received so many subscribers' fond comments on their memories of their grandparents.

The Winner is Debbie Essay.  Debbie please send me your address so that I can send you the A Little Bit of Magic Clear Mount Stamp Set.  If I don't hear from debbie by Friday 17 September, I'll draw another name.

debbie essay ( has left you a comment:

My favorite things about my dad's mom and dad were that no matter what I did …. I was perfect at it. And yes I was the first and only grandchild for a long time….. They were the best….they had sleep overs with me and let me eat Strawberry ice cream for breakfast if I wanted. My grandpap taught me to draw boxes with sharpie markers on the kitchen table ….the markers bled through to the table ….but they never minded. I think he was first inspiration into crafts. I do miss them so…. thanks for asking about them :0)

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