By | May 24, 2012

When Is A Demonstrator Not A Demonstrator?
by John Sanpietro, Certified Business Coach

Stamping Is My Business!

One of my BSCG clients recently came to me with the following situation…

This particular Demo was doing 'private classes' where she would charge $15, but refund that fee if the customer placed a $40 order.

One of her private class customers had a son who was getting married, and her daughter-in-law-to-be wanted to make her own invitations. The customer asked this Demo if she would do a private class for her and her daughter, and show them how to make wedding invitations if they purchased supplies from her.

In this situation, the customer wasn't looking for a Stampin' Up Demonstrator. She was looking for someone to custom design her son's wedding invitations.

Unfortunately, because the Demonstrator charged little or nothing for her classes, the customer was used to a relatively low valuation of this Demonstrator's time and expertise.

So… when is a Demonstrator not a Demonstrator? The proper answer should be, 'when she's a Design Consultant.' The truth is, though, a Demonstrator is ALWAYS a Demonstrator in the eyes of their customers.

For that reason, it's important to ALWAYS place the proper value on your time and expertise. As soon as you undercharge or give it away once, most customers will expect you to do so all the time.

Remember you're in business for the long haul. Because of that, you always have to think about the long-term implications of what you do. You don't want to do something that generates a short-term gain, only to cost you more in the long run. 

I'm not just talking about private classes or any other single event.  I'm talking about everything you do… every time!

And when you begin to consider the amount of time and money you've spent learning your craft, it's absolutely reasonable to expect to be treated like the experts you are.

Never sell yourselves short! And don't forget… if you don't expect and ask to be valued at a certain level, nobody else will!

 Warmest regards,


John Sanpietro
Certified Professional Development Coach
Stamping Is My Business!


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