Trip to California

By | May 7, 2013

Hi Stampin' Friends

After two days of driving, we are finally in California.  We drove as far as Grant, NM the first day and arrived in Ventura the 2nd day.

We always stop at Joseph's to eat their delicious mexican food in Santa Rose on our way to California.  It's been a tradition for the last twenty years.




After two days and about 12 hour drive time each day, we are finally in Ventura, CA.  Our hotel is right on the beach – beautiful view of Ventura Beach


We are in California to celebrate my 70th birthday.  I can't believe I am 70 years old!  While I am gone, I will have a special promotion and will announce it tomorrow night on this blog.

In case you are wondering why I have my granddaughter, Rachel, with me on thsi trip – it's because there are four Rachel's in our immediate family and we are going to take a picture this coming week.  My Aunt Rachel is 85 and I think it's time to take that group picture!

Stay tuned for the special!

Thanks for stopping by today


3 thoughts on “Trip to California

  1. kathy herrick

    have a great time! and what a special time with your granddaughter. she’s old enough to remember and one day, cherish, this experience with you and david.


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