Time Management in a nutshell

By | March 8, 2011

I thought I'd share a question and answer from the BSCG forum.  It's an excerpt from a girl wanted to know how to manage the little time she had on her Stampin' Up! business. 

"…My question is for those with the same type of responsibilites as me – how do you manage it all, how do you organize your days to include everything you need to do to grow your business, how do you break down your time etc?

Typically I will only get about 6-10 hours a week in my stamp room depending on the week. I need to make every second count.

Any advice on how you fit everything in and still grow your business would be appreciated…."



1. Set your office hours and stick to them
2. Accept that you have limitations on what you can do. Don't take on more than you can handle.
3. Outsource EVERYTHING you can! You'd be amazed how little YOU have to really do.
4. Always be reassessing. Things change. Look at what's giving you the best ROI (return on investment) and put your time into those things. Let go of the stuff that's underperforming… or not performing at all.

Lather, rinse, repeat…

We would always like our businesses to grow faster, but sometimes our reality is such that we have to be content for it to just grow as fast as we can allow it to.

John Sanpietro
Certified Stamping Business Coach
Stamping Is My Business!

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