Time for Change

By | January 6, 2011

From SU Website:

January 6, 2011

Are you ready for change? Over the next several months, you will hear about new and exciting changes related to compensation, rewards, and programs—and we can hardly wait to share them with you!

To get the ball rolling, we’re ready to introduce to you a new program called the Downline Volume Rollup, starting July 1, 2011. This new program is designed to help demonstrators who have holes in their downline organization to be rewarded for their efforts as a leader by giving them the opportunity to earn a rollup of their downline’s sales volume. This rollup would occur on a monthly basis, and is contingent on meeting specific requirements.

Another change that will be effective on July 1 is a change to title requirements. This new change will allow one of the leaders in your downline to qualify for your title to come from levels 1 – 5, and will also allow a demonstrator’s title and title promotion to count for her next available upline, helping demonstrators address holes in their downline organizations.

Read more about both of these program changes here. You’ll also be able to listen to a webinar describing the philosophy and mechanics behind these new career plan features. Make sure to check back to the Career Plan Changes page in the coming weeks and months to see all the exciting changes coming your way!

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