The Summer Mini is here!

By | May 2, 2010

Good Morning Stampers:


The Summer Mini Catalog is finally here!  You can download the new Summer Mini Catalog (right sidebar).  Prefer a print copy of the Summer Mini?  E-mail me for your free copy. US only, please.  You're going to love it, especially the new Smooch Spritz sprays – definitely put them at the top of your new wish list!

If you've already received your copy, let me know which is your favorite product from the Summer Mini?  If you know my style than you know that Elements of Style is my favorite with Pedaling Past a close second.  I just love vintage!  What is your favorite style?

I'm still calling my customers regarding the mini catalog contest – see here for details.  If I haven't called you as yet, I'll be calling in the next week or so.

Are you on my newsletter? If not, then sign up now – I'll be sending out my monthly newsletter on Tuesday, 4 May 2010.  It is always full of subscriber exclusive cards, projects and 20% coupons.

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