By | April 26, 2013

The Retired List is out – now sell the heck out of it!

Yesterday the retired lists were posted by SU!  Now is a great time to get on the phone and book some "end of the catalog year" workshops!  This is a great way to add a few events to your calendar during the month of May or to gather orders for retired products.

Be sure you use the retired lists to your advantage!

Take 15 minutes and call 3 customers asking them if they'd like to book a workshop.

Having another event or something else to share with them (like the retired list!) also helps if they say No.

Sample script:

Hi <customer name>, this is <your name>.  (If the person is fairly new to you, include how you met them -  "I met you at Lisa's Stampin' Up! party").

I wanted to let you know that this catalog year is coming to the end and so our retired list is out.  Plus, SU! has great additional benefits for hostesses until the end of May.  I know you had a great time at Lisa's party and I was wondering if you would like to have a party of your own to earn for free some of the items on your wish list?

If Yes – continue on with setting up the date/specific details of the workshop.

If No – use the backup item you have to share.  For example, "That's ok, I will also be having an open house on <date> that will feature some of the retired products.   Would you like me to email you more information about that?  Or, would you like me to email you the retired lists so you can make sure to order any products on your wishlist that are retiring?

Thank them for their time.

Each phone call should take less than 5 minutes – so you should be able to easily complete 3 phone calls in 15 minutes.

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