Thanks Big Time!

By | March 2, 2012

Hi Stampers

Still packing, sorting, discarding, and donating (not necessarily in that order!)  I cannot believe how much "stuff" we have.  As I  was going through some pictures, I saw this one of Felicia and David.  When they were younger, they were the best of friends.   Now that they are a couple of months away from 12 and 13, they are always arguing.  Where did those sweet babies go?

A couple of weeks ago, the ladies made this card at stamp camp.  I had a couple of digital images left over and I decided to make a card.

I was going for the Shabby Chic look but the more I looked at it, the more it looked like a nest with blue eggs.


So then I carefully removed the pearls and added a ribbon.  I found the flower (which looks like a nest) when I was packing my craft room supplies.  So which version do you like the most? 

Thanks for stopping by today – sorry I don't have time to list the supplies for this card.



One thought on “Thanks Big Time!

  1. lisa808

    That is such a sweet picture. In no time, they will be best of friends again.

    Your card is gorgeous. I definitely prefer the version with the bow.

    Happy packing!


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