Stampin’ Scrub and punches

By | January 19, 2011

Due to supplier material issues, the following items remain unavailable; however, we are working diligently to provide these products again as soon as possible. 

102642: Stampin' Scrub and 101230: Stampin' Scrub Refill Pads will not be available until late March as our supplier continues to resolve the material issues. We were able to fill all backorders using the supply we received from our European warehouse. A large number of the product was sent to our new demonstrators who elected not to substitute this product for a stamp set in their starter kit. We also anticipate that these items will be available for regular orders near the end of March. 

Due to quality issues, the following items remain unavailable; however, we are working diligently to provide these products again as soon as possible. 

118874: 2-3/8" Scallop Circle Punch is currently in production and slated for air shipment. Although we do not know the exact delivery date, we anticipate that once these arrive all current backorders will ship and the item will be available for regular orders.

119847: Ornament Punch is currently undergoing quality testing. We believe the issues have been resolved, but the product is in secondary testing to ensure it meets our high standards. All backorders have been filled and we will alert you when it is available for regular orders.

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