
By | April 10, 2012

  I have this but have not had the chance to use it or play around with it but it does come highly recommended on several stamping forums.


Square Up and Pay!


Have you ever wished you could accept credit cards at craft fairs or during classes? Now you can, affordable and easily with this handy dandy device. Accept credit card payments on your Android, iPhone or iPad with the free Square Card Reader. You’ll never miss a sale again.

What are the fees?
It's wonderfully simply. No cost to start up. No monthly fees. No cost for the device. 2.75% per swipe for Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AmEx. Nice huh? That means if you sell a class fee for $10, you will pay 27 cents for processing fees. That's actually better than using PayPal at 2.9% + .30 transaction fee. The customer receives an electronic receipt via text or email, whichever is entered in right away. And the funds from all Square transactions are deposited next business day directly to your linked bank account. Did I mention the device reader is FREE? Pretty cool huh?

Is it Secure?
As secure as it can be right now. I would use it. But don't take my word…read the deets at https://squareup.com/security

Are you asking…what's the catch? There are a couple things to consider.

==> The fees are based on swiped cards. If you don't swipe a card, instead entering the numbers in manually, the fees go up. Manually-entered cards cost 3.5% + 15¢ per transaction.

==> No customer data is stored. That means you can't do a lookup by name if there is an issue, and enter the name into your mailing list. You need to have a backup plan for collecting customer data.

==> Internet is needed. An internet connection is needed to send the data so you must have access to the internet via your mobile device.

Here's what the receipts look like:

All in all, it's worth it to have on hand when you need it. So click below and be square.


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