Shrek 4

By | May 31, 2010

Good Morning Stampers

Today's post features a scrapbook page which is fitting since May is National Scrapbook Month and today is the last day of May.


One of the things I do is take my grandchildren out to dinner and a movie on their birthday – it's our special time together.  My granddaughter Rachel's birthday isn't until 3 July but she wanted to see Shrek 4 so much and of course, did not want to wait until July 3 to see it.

Being that she's the youngest grandchild, we try not to spoil her  (NOT!!).  So, of course, I took her.  She's 3 and she calls them the popcorn movies because we always have popcorn when we go to there. 

The background is a Shrek graphic because I couldn't match up the greens in the pictures.  I really like using the My Digital Studio for my scrapbooking because it's so fast and easy.  In the past, I would have to develop the pictures, shop around for the right paper and embellishments and then it would sit in my studio for months before I finally go around to it.  This way everything is digitize and it's ready to go to the printer.

I'll have a couple of specials/promotions later on Tuesday, 1 June 2010. 

  • The retirement list will be out and I'll post the winner of my "guess which stamp sets will retire"
  • The accessories retirement list will be out
  • The winner of the $25 gift certificate for online orders
  • Special recruiting promotion – you don't want to miss this one!

Thanks for stopping by:

To purchase the My Digital Studio or to shop 24/7, visit my Stampin' Store 

My Digital Studio (118108) $79.95

One thought on “Shrek 4

  1. freida

    Is this not adorable??? Oh my 5yr DGS would LOVE this layout! He’s a big Shrek fan! I don’t get to see him that often because he lives in WV, but I do treasure every minute I do have with him! I know you are making some priceless memories with yours! Grandparents have such a special place in every child’s heart! 🙂



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