Set Goals

By | December 13, 2010

From the SU website

Setting the right goals is a vital part of being successful in your demonstratorship, or any other aspect of life, for that matter. Goals help you determine what you want to achieve, they help you identify what needs to be done to reach those achievements, and they keep you focused and motivated during the entire process. Whatever your business ambitions may be–holding one workshop per month, making enough income for a car payment, earning the incentive trip–having the end in mind and a plan to get there will move you in the right direction.

Equally important as having goals is making sure they are effective. To that end, a commonly used acronym that can help you remember important guidelines for setting goals is SMART:

  • Specific. Does it have a well-defined outcome?
  • Measurable. Do concrete criteria exist for measuring progress toward your goal?
  • Attainable. Can the goal realistically be attained?
  • Relevant. Is your goal something you strongly want or need for yourself?
  • Timely. Is there a defined schedule for completion?

To get your goals to a level where you can answer yes to the questions above, it's important to break large goals down into smaller ones that are more easily pursued and monitored. For example, "I want to earn the incentive trip" is probably too broad to be effective for you on a daily or weekly basis, but "I want to sell at least $3,400 every month to qualify for the incentive trip" allows you to view that objective in 12 smaller sections. Better still, you could determine how many events you should hold each month to sell $3,400 and make that your goal, or even set a goal to contact a certain number of people every week in order to fill your event calendar. The level to which you break down your ultimate objective is up to you, but it should challenge you to make regular and sustained efforts toward achieving what you desire.

Finally, remember to write down your goals and review them frequently. As the saying goes, "A goal not written is only a wish." Use visual reminders of why you want to accomplish those goals. Measure and track your progress regularly, renew your commitment as often as you can, and you'll be on the right path to success.

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