September is the best month to recruit

By | September 3, 2011

By Jennifer Fong 

Happy September!

Can you believe it’s here already? I personally could use another month of summer, but am bowing to the inevitability of school supplies, late busses, routines and cold weather. (I really need to move somewhere warmer!)

As a direct seller, you need to realize that your customers and prospects are currently in a state of transition, and you can use this to your advantage. When we’re in transition, we’re typically getting ready to establish new routines, new ways of doing things. We’re also gearing up for additional bills from school supplies and clothing, and holiday gift giving is right around the corner. And moms typically have a little more free time during the day once the kids go to school.

This is your chance to offer the opportunity to people who may be more prepared to take advantage of it than they might have been a month or two ago. People are kicking it back into high gear. So take every opportunity to present the opportunity. You should be holding more parties than ever in September. Get creative…morning coffee after the kids have gone to school, mom’s night out to celebrate the fact that the kids have gone to school, etc. You could seriously be holding 4-6 parties a week right now, and that would TOTALLY set you up for success for the holiday selling season.

And the best part…every party is a chance to present the opportunity to a captive audience who is more likely to be receptive right now.

And don’t neglect the phone! Pick it up and call every single person you’ve ever offered the opportunity to in the past. NOW is the time. Take advantage, and don’t wait.

Your business will thank you.

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