Sending cards to customers

By | June 21, 2012

By Debbie McNeil

So as demonstrators we all love the art of making cards, right?  It only stands to reason that we send handmade cards to our clients, yet sometimes it just doesn't happen. I know!  I’ve got some suggestion that other demonstrators have shared with me or I've don't myself.  Whether you are a planner and those whose schedules are loose, I hope you'll find a couple of tried-and-true tips that will put you at the top of the thoughtful demonstrator list!

Plan a Moment

If you are a planner  like me, you’ll love this tip. Plan a time into your schedule each week for writing cards. Now this doesn’t have to be a big event; even 15 minutes that you can take to reach out to your customer based is great.

I recommend stamping a whole stack of cards  and keeping
them on hand so that you can quickly add a note and get it in the mail. As much
as we love the art of stamping, the true magic comes when you share that
connection with customers and friends. Keep a calendar by your desk to see who
has birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc. coming up. Set an alert each
week that will reminder you to take a few moments to reflect on your week. Who touched
your life this week in a way that makes you grateful, a customer order or who
could use the pick-me-up of a thoughtful note?

Grab a Moment
If the idea of planning a time to sit down makes you crazy, then don’t! Make a
"to go" card center that you can use to write notes when you have a
moment and the mood strikes you. Our bulk clear-mount stamp cases are ideal. Just add
a bit of your favorite Designer Series Paper under the cover and fill the case
with a couple of cards, envelopes, a pen, and stamps. Now drop it in your purse
or your car. Next time you are waiting for an appointment, sitting in the
carpool line, hanging out at a kids sporting event, taking a lunch break at
work, or whenever it is you have a minute. You can open your card case, write a
quick note, add the address and stamp, and drop it into the mail. It is easy,
fast, convenient, and a thoughtful way to make the most of those little

Personalized Post-It Pads
I'm thrilled with my Personalized Post-It(®) Pads I picked up from Heather Sewczak of Re Smile when they were

I add two or three of them in the card. I write on the top post-it note and leave
the remainder for them to use when they send the card on.  It gives me a
great excuse to call my recipient and ask them if they have "Pay it
Forward" and sent it out to a friend.  Most say they can bear to part
with the card, but I remind them they can come to my class and make a new one.
And then I remind them how they feel and ask if they know someone who could use
the same feeling. My name and web address is on the post-it notes (thanks
Heather), so it's an all-around win-win for everyone.  If you didn't have
a chance to pick-up a Personalized Post-It Pads when Heather had the special
offer, ask her to get on the list for the next offering…I love mine.  A
normal post-it note will suffice as well.

What to Write

Now write a couple lines – it doesn’t have to be a lot for someone to know that
you care.   If you need some ideas, this is the list I have attached
to my "Care Box".

"Thank you for your order and your interest in Stampin' Up! Please know how much I appreciate your business and your friendship."

"As one of my most valued customers, you're among the first to know that I have just released a
few hostess dates in July. I want to give you first choice on setting a date.
Does either xyz or xyz work for you?"

"You have the most fascinating friends, because I've enjoyed meeting every one of the people
you've referred to me. You've been a tremendous help to me in the past year. Thank
you so much."

"I was just stamping this card and it made my think of you. How are you doing, I've missed you. Any chance you can join us …"

"Every good wish to both of you [to your family] for much health, happiness, prosperity, [and many more years together] [for you new home]."

"Sending love and hugs on your birthday. I read this once: "Years in themselves mean
nothing. How we live them means everything" (Elisabeth Marbury). Enjoy
every minute of every day doing what you love!"

You get the idea.

Share the Magic

Unlike email that gets buried and forgotten, a hand-stamped card is a physical
reminder to those that receive it that you thought of them, that you care, and
that they are special. So hand-deliver or mail a card today. You’ll love the
feeling you get from giving, and you’ll brighten someone’s day and set a
fitting example of what you want your customers to do.

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