Saturday, 1/29/2011 Challenge

By | January 29, 2011

This weekend, I want you to just plan for a productive Monday:

Write down the names of the five people you're going to call about the Business Opportunity this week.

Post a comment here after calls have been made on Monday. 


One thought on “Saturday, 1/29/2011 Challenge

  1. Annette Vaughn

    Hey Golden Girls team-members!

    I haven’t been participating in Rachel’s challenges since I recruited because I felt that as a “newbie” I probably wouldn’t have a prayer of winning a challenge over you awesome seasoned Golden Girls!

    However, I see that no one participated in this last challenge….. So, heads up….. I’m gonna give the next challenge a stab. So, I challenge the rest of you to enter the challenge to give this “newbie” a run for my money & to teach me how to raise the bar, k? The fun begins! And, we’re off……


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