Sale-a-bration is almost over!

By | March 30, 2012
  • Sale-A-Bration is over Saturday, March 31st at 11:50 pm (MT)!  If you had planned on ordering while you get a gift with every $50 purchase but it slipped your mind, get your order together and call me or email me by Saturday night, 11:50 pm (MT) (or you can at my Stampin' Store, of course).  For every $50 purchase, you can choose from anything in the SAB catalog free!
  • Along with my 20% off sale which ends also on 31 March 2012 at 11:50 pm (MT), that's a pretty good deal!
  • It's also a great time to be a hobby or business demonstrator!

March 31st is the Last DAY to get Starter Kits at $125!  On April 1st, it goes BACK to regular price of  $175.  And, as a special gift, SU is giving a free package of Designer paper (reg 9.95) each month for the rest of the year! You only need to pay shipping and you can choose your paper each month.

 There are 2 starter kits, one is the Standard kit with over $300 in supplies and the other is a Digital Kit. Here is a link for an overview of what is in the kits:

  • You can view the Standard Starter Kit Order Form HERE.
  • You can view the Digital Starter Kit Order Form HERE. 

You can print and use it like a worksheet to fill in your choices. If you want to sign up, you can do it on my SU website, click on Join Now.

Call or email me and we can chat about it – I would love to have you as part of my team!

Thanks for stopping by today!


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