Rainbow Bridge

By | August 22, 2010

Good Morning Stampers


 Today's card is for my friend Jane and her husband Gary.  They are putting down their Golden Retriever, Sadie,  tomorrow because of renal failure.  My heart is with her tomorrow.

D-is-for-Dog-card copy

I found the poem, The Rainbow Bridge, and decided to add it to the inside of the card.  I discovered this poem about ten years ago when we had to put down our Chocolate Lab called Binx. 


Thanks for visiting today


3 thoughts on “Rainbow Bridge

  1. Rhonda Miller

    Such a hard time. What a great card to share with them. TFS.

  2. Julie Temple

    This is BEAUTIFUL! I know my heart would be breaking to lose one of my Fur Babies, and this would definatly warm my heart. Thanks for sharing…



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