Rachel’s Special – 20% off

By | December 27, 2014
As we close this year, I want to thank all of your for your support in my business.  It has been a good year for me.
As a way to thank you, I am giving you 20% off everything in the store including the specials we have going on right now.  That means that even if you get 40, 50 or 60 or even 80% off any item (special from SU), I will still give you that extra 20%.
That includes
If you want the 20% discount instantly, please e-mail me your list and I’ll send you an invoice with the 20% off included.
If you choose to purchase directly from my Stampin’ Store, I can reimburse you via:
  1. Paypal
  2. Check
After you’ve placed your order, please let me know which one you would prefer.
Have a Merry Christmas!


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