Phantom of the Opera

By | July 8, 2012

Hi Stampin' Friends

Before I share today's card, I wanted to show you my six year old granddaughter,  Rachel, watching the 1925 movie, Phanton of the Opera


Sorry, I didn't take a better picture of the 1925 version, but has watched it twice today.  For Christmas, she received the recent Phantom of the Opera movie and is constantly playing it.   She loves the music from it and is always singing some of the songs.  In fact, she wants to change her name to Christine (heroine in the story) and has named her Build-a-Bear, Christine!  She has also asked me to take her to either Kansas City or Tulsa to see the on-stage version if it every goes there!

Beautiful-Butterflies1 copy
Still working on my thank you card.  This version, I used the larger butterfly die and embossed the butterfly with the Vintage Wallpaper Embossing Folder after sprayinging it lightly with sizing.  This is one of the ones I was working on a couple of days ago.  Which one do you like the most?

Thanks for stopping by today.



One thought on “Phantom of the Opera

  1. Candy

    Beautiful card! Your granddaughter is girl after my own heart. I, too, LOVE Phantom of the Opera and have been lucky enough to see it performed on stage several times. I hope she gets a chance to see it live. She will be even MORE enamored!


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