Needs-based Selling

By | June 14, 2011

From SU

The decisions we make every day are based on our personal needs.  What we choose to eat for breakfast, the car we drive, and the things we accomplish in a day are all results of our efforts to fulfill various needs.  Customers also make decisions based on needs – whether those decisions lead them to join Stampin' Up! or purchase certain products they believe it will help them satisfy a need in some way.  An ideal method for building a strong customer base is to understand individual customer needs and link them to our products and opportunities.  Some basic human needs are:

  • interpersonal association
  • self-expression
  • steady monetary income
  • self-esteem

You can use your understanding of these needs to establish enduring relationship with your customers.  A valuable resource – and a perfect place to start is the CUSTOMER NEEDS ASSESSMENT FORM (also known as the Patient History Form) which helps you create customer profiles based on individual needs.

Download Patient_History_Form[1]

Approaching a customer or potential recruit with the sincere intent of meeting their needs instead of your own allows you to avoid feeling pushy and equips you to overcome sales resistance.  Learn to say something like "This new birthday set can make adorable invitations and cards!".  Or book a workshop by saying something like, "It sounds like you have several special occasions coming up.  What owuld you say about inviting some friends over for a night of card making?  We could make a bunch of cards together to save you the time and stress of doing it on your own." 

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