My Digital Studio Updates

By | October 6, 2011

Hi Ladies

I know a couple of you ordered the MDS with your starter kit and I am so glad that SU is offering the training again. .  They are offering  exclusive demonstrator training on the MDS (see last paragraph). 


We have several My Digital Studio updates available beginning today . . . just in time for the holidays!

New Print Products & Discounted Bulk Pricing
The My Digital Studio software update is available today, giving you more print products and discounted bulk pricing. Update your software by clicking Help and then Check for Updates, or manually update with the file in the Resources section here. Remind your customers to update their software and take advantage of these updates too!

Find out more about the print products offered on

New Holiday Hostess Option
The hostess-only Savor the Season Ensemble Content CD is available beginning today! Share this with your customers to get more holiday bookings. We've created a flyer sized to fit inside the Holiday Mini Catalog, giving you an easy way to market this additional hostess product. Download the flyer today

We've also provided a DBWS e-card for you to share with your customers which invites them to use My Digital Studio for their holiday gifts while earning hostess dollars for this holiday ensemble CD.

New My Digital Studio Exclusive Demonstrator Training
We have new training available to demonstrators and encourage you to take advantage of it. See it here.

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