More Pictures from Leadership and Blog Candy

By | January 7, 2010

Good Morning Stampers

I hate to admit it but I am still having so much fun at leadership.  I have some blog candy but you need to read to the end of the post to get all the details (LOL).


I have met so many nice people at leadership, renewed some old friendships and made some new ones.  This is at Wednesday's make & take.  These are some of the nicest ladies I've met to date; they are (left to right), me, Pat Sheperd from Evergreen Co, Christ Lorton, Fraser Co, Mary Gillette, Orange Fl and Deb Johnson, Watertown WI.

Now for the blog candy.  Leave a comment on any post between now and Wednesday, 12 midnight (central time).  I'll draw a name on Thursday and post it on Thursday's blog.  The lucky winner will win any stamp set from the Occasions Mini.  I'll pay taxes and shipping.

Thanks for stopping by!

28 thoughts on “More Pictures from Leadership and Blog Candy

  1. Jane

    I just love SU events. Haven’t made it to leadership yet but always another year! I love the new car vinyl, I have the old version for the windows from 6years ago when the business section had them (still on my window after many many car car washes!)Can hardly wait to see how much they are???? Have fun!!!

  2. Lisa Goates

    Looks like you’re having a great time at Leadership! I can’t wait to see what you bring back to post on your blog! Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy! Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Gayle

    Thanks for the updates – looks like everyone is having a good time at Leadership.

  4. Deb

    I just found your blog and am loving the inspiration! your cards are great and Leadership looks fantastic as usual. Have a great trip! Deb

  5. Nikki Leman

    Thanks so much for keeping us all updated. It makes me even more determined that I will be going next year 🙂 Thanks for all your inspiration!

  6. Debra

    What a wonderful blog! So many lovely samples! Thanks for the update on Leadership – sounds like you are being well-pampered. Enjoy!

  7. Debbie Henderson

    Thanks so much for keeping us demonstrators that couldn’t attend, updated. You all look like you are having a great time! Love your blog!

  8. Janet Rohde

    I’m glad you’re having so much fun. Come back with lots of new ideas.

  9. Tammy Jackson

    I am so glad you are having a great time. Thanks for showing us ladies that could not attend some great pics. Bring home some great ideas….

  10. lisa808

    I hope to get to see your M&Ts from Phoenix. Enjoy the rest of the conference and perhaps it will be warmer when you get back home.

  11. Jan

    Looks like you are having a great time! Enjoy that warm sunshine – there is just more of that “white stuff” here in Ohio! I just love checking your blog. Can’t wait to see pics of what you bring back!

  12. jmniffer

    What a great event to attend. Sharing the excitment of something you love with others who are like minded has to be special. It doesn’t hurt that it is held where it is warm either! Enjoy.

  13. Karen

    Thank you for posting info from leadership. It is fun to see and read about it! I hope you are having a super time with great friends, great food, and great fun with new stamping goodies!!

  14. kathy

    bet you’re having fun and new ideas. bag up some of that warm sunshine to bring back with you to arkansas!

  15. Cathy Green

    What a generous offer! I hope you are enjoying leadership. Have a safe trip home. Cathy

  16. Rhonda Miller

    Wow Rachael, you are so generous. Thank you so much for a chance to win.

  17. Holly F.

    Thank you so much for sharing with all of us who could not make it to leadership this week and for the chance to win some blog candy. You are so thoughtful.

    Holly F.

  18. Angela Mireles

    I am glad you are having a wonderful time. I can’t wait to see some of the techniques and cool things you bring back to share with us on your blog. Have fun and soak up the sun while you can!


  19. Stephanie C

    Thank you for all your hardwork. Your ideas and sharing is amazing! I am so glad you are enjoying Leadership. Congrats for Sharing what you Love!!

  20. Denise

    Thank you so much for all your informative messages. It looks like there is so much new and I can’t wait to hear and see more when you get back. Enjoy yourself and have a safe trip home. Denise

  21. Lianne Carper

    Oh wow! It sure looks like you’re having fun! Hope to see what all you made while you were there. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy – I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you pick me!

  22. Diana

    Thanks for sharing your trip to convention. I enjoyed your blog with full of ideas. Thanks for blog candy


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