Mass e-mail or newsletter service

By | January 22, 2012



Q:  So if I have a Stampin' Up! group set up in my Outlook and send that group an email (BCC) does it mean it will be counted as more than the 5-10 (which may get set as spam)? I always use my name as the "To:" and my group as "BCC:". There are at least 25+ in the group.

A:  It absolutely means that! The worst thing you can do is send mass e-mails like that from your personal computer. It will get YOUR IP address blocked and there's a very real possibility Internet Service Providers will begin blocking any e-mail you send from your computer (whether you're sending to 1 person or 25).

If you're going to maintain a mailing list (and you really do need to), you have to go with a mailing list broadcast service.

There are several free one such as mail chimp; I use Constant Contact and John recommends AWEBER.

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