Let’s partay!

By | March 14, 2010

In celebration of my new blog banner (Thanks to Michelle Laycock for a fantastic job!), I'd like to give away the Good Neighbors Clear Mount Stamp Set.  All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog between today (3/14/10) and Wednesday (3/31/10).  You can leave a comment on any post.  I will use random.org to select a winner.

This post will remain at the top until 31 March 2010 so scroll down for the latests posts.

16 thoughts on “Let’s partay!

  1. Kandis

    I really enjoy your blog. Your color selections are a great inspiration to me and I love that you always have the most up to date stamp images.

  2. Liz Miller

    Love your blog look and you have such wonderful ideas/creations. I will be checking in often. : )

    Hvae agreat day, thanks for the chance to win some candy!

  3. lisa808

    Love the new look. Purple is my favorite color–any shade of it. The flowers and your name in script make a great banner.

  4. Alvina Robicheau

    I really enjoy your blog (and your new banner). It’s obvious that you enjoy what you do as it shows in your work. Your creativity inspires me.

  5. christina b~indiana

    WOW i love the colors on your new banner. I visit daily for inpiration. Your creativity is addicting. TFS all your ideas. Thanks for a chance to win as well.

  6. Babe O'Mara

    I recently came across your blog. You are so creative, so many great ideas. Plus a recipe for Irish soda bread just in time!!

  7. Jeanine

    I’m number 14 on the blog hop and so happy that you got in on it also. OWH is such a wonderful idea!
    God Bless,

  8. jengd

    You’re right! That IS a cool header! I can’t decide if it wants to make me think more of embroidery or quilling!

  9. laurlynn

    Love the banner – I’m a big pink fan anyway and the swirly flowers with it are just beautiful!

  10. Betty Jo warner

    I really love the banner. I absolutly love the Easter card you did with the abundant hope stamp set. Thanks for the oppurtunity to win
    Betty Jo

  11. Mary

    LOVE your new blog banner and your work! It’s BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for the chance to win.


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