By | April 19, 2012


If you want to increase your customer base or have no customer base, you should take the boot camp.  It is well worth the money



Hope you're having a productive week.  I have several things to share with you today, and since I received a bunch of questions about the new Sell Stamps While You Sleep Boot Camp, I thought I'd answer a few of those, as well:


Do I Have To Have Customers Already?

No.  This Boot Camp is all about getting customers who are interested in purchasing your catalog product, but doing it in a way that allows for greater exposure, greater time and cost-efficiency, and greater profit.

 I'm Tired Of My Regular Club.  Is The Virtual Club Really Different?

It is REALLY different.  The Virtual Club keeps all of the positive elements of Clubs (dependable monthly product sales), while getting rid of all of the negative ones (time-consuming, limited number of participants, always having to get people to re-commit, etc.).  You're going to LOVE the Virtual Club!

 Are People Really Making Money Doing These Types of Events?

Absolutely.  As I say in my video (and that USA Today insert makes the point, as well), this is really the future of direct sales.  The industry is going in this direction because that's where the customers are going.  And because these types of events give you the potential for more exposure than ever before, the potential to grow your business is now greater than it ever was before!

The Early Bird Discount for the Boot Camp runs through Tuesday, so don't delay.

Find out more about the Sell Stamps While You Sleep Boot Camp!


We'll be holding our monthly BSCG Members-Only webinar this Monday, April 23rd.  

 This month, I'm going to share my 'Success Checklist' with you!  This is the list of qualities and actions successful people have and take, regardless of the business or industry they're in.

It's going to be a GREAT webinar, and, of course, we'll have time for any questions you may have.

 If you're already a BSCG Member, the registration information for the webinar is posted on the Message Board.

 If you're not a BSCG Member, take the $1/30-Day Trial, join us on the call, and find out why the BSCG is the most productive, profitable community of stamping business owners ever!

 Take the $1 BSCG Trial Now!

NOTE:  If you are one of my downline, please use the link on the team website (right side bar).  Thanks Rachel


If you missed your chance to pick up a copy of the Direct Selling News' insert in this past weekend's USA Today, I've posted a digital link to the publication on my Facebook Page.  You can download it from there.

Go To The SIMB Facebook Page


One of my favorite motivational speakers is Les Brown.  If you've never had the pleasure of seeing Les on stage, be on the lookout for the next opportunity to do so.

 I saw a video this weekend where Les discusses the importance of being hungry and not taking 'no' for an answer.  It's part of his media kit video so there are a few cutaways, but I've excerpted it for you here:

 Watch the Video Now!

 Hope you have a great day!


43 Fir Street, Town of Jay, NY 12941, USA

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