We have two winners!

By | July 18, 2012

Hi Stampin' Friends

And the winners are....

I have two items to give away this week.

  1. Itty Bitty Banners Stamp Set (Clear Mount)
  2. 6 x 6 DSP paper (2011-2012 catalog)

The first winner is: 

I ordered the same stamp set twice in one week!  Rather than exchange it, I decided to offer it as blog candy and the winner was selected using random.org.     Here's the post…

kathy herrick said…                               

i'm on my way home from moving our daughter to new mexico. would love to hear that i've won this blog candy! take care, rachel!


And our second winner is: 

On Sunday, I posted a card that I made a mistake in putting it together.  I wasn't aware of the problem until I took the picture and by then it was too late to take it apart.  Here's the post

Nanc is the first one to repond with the correct answer!

Nanc said…                               

Hi Rachel,

Although it looks fine, did you mean to put the fancy fan layer on with the smooth side up?

Nanc – please send me your address and I'll get the 6 x 6 DSP in the mail to you.
Thanks to everyone who played this week – I really enjoy reading your comments!

Thanks for stopping by today.


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