From John Sanpietro
October 13, 2011
True or False? If someone has opted into your mailing list, and you send an e-mail to them, are they guaranteed to get it?
Of course, you know the answer is false. We all know e-mails bounce.
True or False? If an e-mail we send bounces, do we always know about it?
Most people would say yes, but the surprising answer is NO!
In fact, Return Path just released a study which finds:
- only 81% of all permissioned email from commercial email senders makes it to the inbox
- 7% land in either the spam or junk folder
- (Here's the shocker) 12% simply go missing!
That means, you send it… they don't receive it… and you don't receive any notice it wasn't delivered!
With 1 out of every 5 emails ending up in the wrong folder or not showing up at all, what can you, the business owner, do to make your marketing more effective? Here are three tips:
1. Engage across mulitple platforms!
Make sure you're having conversations with your prospects and customers on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
2. Pick up the phone!
Nothing is more effective at generating business than picking up the phone and speaking with your customers and prospects. E-mail has never been a replacement for a phone call!
3. Watch your bounces!
Whenever you send out an e-mail, make sure to look at your bounce report 24 hours later. Follow up on all of your bounces with a phone call or, at the very least, a personal e-mail, letting the person know the bounce occured and trying to rectify the situation.
Follow these tips, and you'll become a better all-around marketer… and a more successful business person!
In the meantime, make sure you're subscribed to MY mailing list by filling out the form in the top right corner of this page AND then, click here to Like SIMB on Facebook!