I can’t Book any Parties…

By | June 21, 2010

This is a familiar tale of woe that we at the Stampin' Up!  hear fairly frequently.

The truth of the matter is, if you aren’t booking enough parties, you aren’t asking enough people. That is usually the easy answer and the bottom line. Perhaps you are thinking about asking people to host a party, but if you would actually log your activity you would see that you just aren’t asking enough – plain and simple.
Booking parties, just like recruiting team members, is a numbers game. You have to ask approximately five people to host to book one party. So, in theory, that means that at an average party of 8-10 people you should book 1-2 parties – right?

Perhaps you are afraid that if you ask every person at the party to book a party, you will appear pushy. Let’s do a paradigm shift on your thinking for a moment here, shall we? What if, as a guest at a party, you were the only one that the consultant DIDN’T ask to book a show? How would that make you feel? 

Remember, we are in the sorting NOT convincing business. Ask everyone! If it helps – announce at the beginning of your presentation that you WILL be asking everyone to join you in the business and/or book a party and if you neglect to do so, you will pay for the shipping on their order. THIS will make you accountable because you can bet that your guests are going to be waiting for you to forget!

Having difficulty booking parties over the phone?

It is time to do an attitude check. Do you have trepidations or are you confident when you invite people to host a party? Ask a friend or your upline to listen in the next time you do phone calls – or really stretch your comfort zone and record your side of the conversation. You may be surprised at what you hear. If YOU wouldn’t book a party with YOU, then it’s time to revamp your attitude. If you don’t feel confident then try to figure out why and ask your upline for some coaching in this area. Fake it till you make it is the golden rule. With practice, you will get better and confidence will come. Yes, you will make mistakes but that is how we learn best, wouldn’t you agree?

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