By | September 20, 2012

Holiday Catalog Direct MailingSeptember 20, 2012


An excellent opportunity to meet new customers may be coming your way! As a result of our recent marketing efforts, Stampin’ Up! has obtained a US mailing list of people with an expressed interest in creativity. To help these people have a chance to learn about Stampin’ Up! and to see our fantastic holiday products, we will be mailing them a copy of our new holiday catalog within the next week, along with a postcard inviting them to place an order and complete a catalog-related survey.

What does this mean for you?

When a new customer places an order online, they are encouraged to connect with a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, and that demonstrator could be you. Over the next few months, be sure to keep an eye out for new leads, and if you do receive a referral for a new customer, don’t wait to contact them! This is a perfect opportunity to gain a new customer who will help your business grow.

Here are some ideas for your first conversation with your new customer:

  • Talk about the new products they ordered. Make yourself available to answer any questions they might have.
  • Ask them what kind of project they are making, and be ready with other ideas for projects they can create with their new products. Be sure they know that you are a resource they can turn to for creative ideas.
  • If they express interest in other project ideas, be ready to invite them to an already scheduled event, or invite them to host a party themselves.

Please be aware that we ARE NOT using your customer information or any information that you as a demonstrator have provided. That said, because this is a list of people who have expressed interest in creativity, there is a small possibility that you or one of your customers may be on the mailing list. If you receive a holiday catalog in the mail, pass it along to a customer! If your customers receive one, great! You are the one they will place their orders with. We recognize that this approach is a little different from anything we have done before, but like our demonstrators, when an opportunity to do something new arises, we can’t be afraid to give it a try!


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