High School Reunion

By | September 25, 2009

I was not able to attend my high school reunion on 19 September.  I'm going out to CA in November for my Aunt Rachel's 80th birthday party and I thought that was more important than the reunion.  I won't tell what year I graduated but let's just say that it was a couple of years ago! (LOL)

David and Rachel 9-18-09-001

Since I couldn't celebrate with my friends from high school, David and I decided to go out that night and celebrate on our own.  Here's to Hueneme High School 19_ _.  Go Vikings!!!

This scrapbook page was made using the My Digital Studio.  It will be available to everyone on 1 October 2009 and I hope that you have as much fun with it as I am.

Thanks for visiting!

16 thoughts on “High School Reunion

  1. jmniffer

    I missed my HS reunion this year too. Good idea to go out and celebrate that night anyway. Fun colors on your s/b page. jmniffer

  2. Jan

    I’m glad you were able to celebrate your reunion in some way. The page is lovely!

  3. Michele Turner

    Wow, nice scrapbook page, but also what a small world. I just recently moved from Oxnard, CA which as you know is right near Port Hueneme! You just never know where you’ll find people from your part of the world.

  4. Angela

    haa haa how cute, and thanks for sharing. You & ur hubby look great together!

  5. Debby

    Love your page. I think the way you spent your reunion was a great way. I never go to mine.
    Angel hugs

  6. Cathy Green

    I haven’t made it to a reunion yet. We always have something else to be doing on that day, too. I do think a birthday party is more important, too!


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