Happy Birthday David!

By | February 21, 2011

Hi Stampers

Today was my dh's birthday and I didn't get any stamping done!  We celebrated by going out to lunch at David's favorite place called Crabbys.

It was a wonderful relaxing lunch.  The food there is outstanding and even though I do not like seafood, I can always find something delicious to eat.

Please excuse the lack of eye makeup!  I had cataract surgery on Friday 2/18/2011 and not able to curl my eyelashes, or put on eyeliner or mascara yet.  With my cataract surgery, I have officially joined the ranks of the "older" crowd! (ha, ha).

I bought David a Kindle for his birthday and now we have "his and hers" Kindles!  I love mine and finally talked David into trying one.


 I'll have a card for you tomorrow.  I'm working on a techniques card for Friday's class. 

Thanks for stopping by today



One thought on “Happy Birthday David!

  1. lisa808

    Happy Birthday David!

    Rachel, hope all went well with your surgery. With or without eye makeup, you look great and happy to be out with your hubby.


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