Halloween 2008

By | September 15, 2009

This scrapbook page from the MDS (My Digital Studio) is of my grandchildren, David, Felicia and Rachel at Halloween 2008.  After it comes back from the printer, I'll add a couple of embellishments and then it will be considered a hybrid (I think that's the right term.)

Halloween Oct 2008a-001

Right now there's a special for Demo's where they receive 15% off the printing cost of a book.  After 1 October, it will be at the regular price.

Thanks for visiting!

5 thoughts on “Halloween 2008

  1. Debby

    This is adorable, I love the spiders going down the side of the page and the flower at the top. Great job.
    Angel hugs

  2. Donna

    What a cute set of goblins & ghouls and the page is too cute as well. Thanks for sharing.


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