Great Business Opportunity

By | June 14, 2010

Another beautiful weekend has ended and it's back to work!  Stampin' Up! work that is and I should not even call it work because I love what I am doing.

When I worked (years ago!), I used to say I love my job.  My husband would always say, "The way to see if someone loves their job is to ask them if they would work that job for free".   So I guess I liked my job (LOL) because I would not work that job for FREE!

Well, I can honestly say that I would work as a demo for SU for free if I had to but I'm glad I'm getting paid for what I love to do.

How about you, do you love your job?  Wouldn't you want to get paid for doing what you love to do?  Melinda took advantage of the $99 special this month and joined our team last week and she is now doing what she loves to do.  Welcome Melinda!

Have you ever thought of starting  your own home-based businessin rubber stamping and scrapbooking? It is a fantastic way to earn some extra money – whether to pay a few bills, put some aside for the future, or pay for a special vacation. 

If you are ready, click here to go to my website

If you have questions, click here

Or contact me at (479) 876-7453 or

Thanks for stopping by


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