Good News!

By | August 2, 2012

Hey Ladies

You no longer need a DBWS in order for a possible recruit to sign up online! 


Online Independent Demonstrator Agreement

Q: What if I don't subscribe to Demonstrator Business Web Services (DBWS)?
A: It doesn't matter. Formerly you needed to have a DBWS to have access to the online IDA. Now, any demonstrator has access to send a link to the online IDA.

Q: How can I see what the new online IDA looks like?
A: We encourage you to view-and try!-the new online IDA (just don't enter your payment information when you get to the payment screen). Click here to see the actual online IDA.

Q: How do I find the link to my  online IDA?
A: Your online IDA link is found on the demonstrator website under My Business>Online IDA or by clicking here.

Q: How will potential recruits find me?
A: If you are a DBWS subscriber, your information and a link to your online IDA will be available in the Demonstrator Locator and Demonstrator Directory. If you are not a DBWS subscriber your information and a link to your online IDA will only be shown in the Demonstrator Directory. You can also share your link on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, through an e-mail or any other online space where customers go to learn about you and your Stampin' Up! business.

Q: Is my link unique to me?
A: Yes. Whether your new recruit accesses your link within Demonstrator Locator, Demonstrator Directory, or any of the other locations listed in the previous question, your link is unique to you and is populated with all of your relevant information, including your demonstrator ID.

Q: What policies do I need to be aware of as I use the online IDA?
A: As stated in our Advertising Policy and our Internet/Website Policy, "Demonstrators must accurately represent their role as an independent demonstrator in all written and oral communication. Demonstrators may not represent themselves as employees or agents of Stampin' Up! Always refer to yourself as a Stampin' Up! demonstrator." Further, a demonstrator may not imply that a "demonstrator's personal business is part of corporate Stampin' Up! A demonstrator title should not be used in a way that may lead customers to believe it is an employee title." Demonstrators may not imply that a "demonstrator has exclusive rights to a territory." And finally, "The demonstrator's website cannot be represented as an official Stampin' Up! website." 

Q: As the upline, do I need to sign the IDA or fill in any information to help my recruit complete the online IDA?
A:  No, all of your relevant information is filled in automatically, and you do not need to sign the online IDA.

Q: Is it possible for a potential recruit to sign up without an upline?
A: No. The potential recruit must identify an upline to activate the link to the online IDA. Once you share your personal link, your demonstrator ID will be part of the information that is filled in automatically.

Q: Could someone else use my IDA link to recruit their own downline members?
A: Yes. So you should tell your new recruits to be sure to set up their own personal IDA link before recruiting. If they just forward your link to their new recruits, they will be signed up in your downline, not in your new recruit's downline.

Q: Could a potential recruit sign up in my downline without me knowing them?
A: Yes. Although unlikely, this is possible. For example, if a potential recruit read about Stampin' Up! and decided to join without any connection to a demonstrator, they could find your name via the Demonstrator Finder, click on the link, complete the IDA, and become a member of your downline.

Q: How will I be notified when a potential recruit has completed the online IDA?
A: You will receive an e-mail telling you that you have a new recruit. The e-mail will include the new recruit's name.

Q:  When do I receive credit for completed online IDAs?
A:  You will receive credit for completed online IDAs on the day they are submitted, provided they are completed at or before 11:59 PM (MT). IDAs completed after 11:59 PM (MT) will be credited to the next day. We recommend submitting online IDAs before 11:50 PM (MT) to count for the current day. If you want it to count for the new day, please wait until after 12:10 AM (MT) to submit the online IDA. This is especially important on the last day of the month when it may affect a recruiting promotion.

Q: I currently have a DBWS. Do I still need one now that the online IDA is available to all demonstrators?
A: YES! There are still a number of reasons to have a DBWS. A DBWS is the simplest way to market the Stampin' Up! business opportunity online. Your DBWS includes updated information about the opportunity, the benefits of being a Stampin' Up! demonstrator, costs of the current customizable starter kit, and a direct link to your online IDA. And those are only the reasons related to recruiting! Of course there's still the event calendar, customizable templates, great samples, hostess portal, access to your very own online store, promotion information (updated automatically for you each month!), e-cards, newsletters, and more! In fact, if you haven't previously signed up for a DBWS, now is a great time to take advantage of all the features mentioned above.

Q: What information does my new recruit need in order to sign up using the online IDA and complete the Starter Kit order?
A: Your recruit will need the following information:

  • Social Security Number (US) or Social Insurance Number (CAN)
  • Personal contact information
  • Credit card payment information

Q:  Can recruits still join using the traditional paper application forms?
Yes. The traditional method of becoming a demonstrator has not changed and is available if your new recruit prefers this option. Be sure to account for additional mailing time if your recruit is signing up in conjunction with a time-sensitive promotion.

Q:  How does my new recruit sign her online IDA?
A:  Your recruit does not have to physically sign anything to complete the online IDA; however, she must read the Independent Demonstrator Agreement and acknowledge it by clicking the I Agree button at the end of the agreement.

Q:  How does my new recruit pay for her Starter Kit online?
A:  After filling out the online IDA, a payment screen will appear prompting her to enter her credit card information.

Q:  When will my recruit receive her demonstrator ID and password?
A:  Your recruit will receive an e-mail with her demonstrator ID and temporary password shortly after completing the online IDA. She can then log in to the demonstrator website and change her password.

Q: Does my new recruit need to mail in a paper application after completing her online IDA?
A: No, we do not need a paper IDA on file.

Q: What about provincial licenses in Canada?
A:  If your recruit lives in Manitoba or New Brunswick they will be able to sign up online but must submit their provincial license application and payment to the Calgary office within two weeks of signing up.

Q:  Can a new recruit still cancel her order?
A:  Yes, as noted in the Independent Demonstrator Agreement, a new recruit may still cancel her Starter Kit order within three business days of completing the online IDA by calling Demonstrator Services at 1-800-STAMP UP in the US & Canada.

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