Free Webinar

By | October 3, 2012


If you register but cannot attend, you will be notified when the recording is up.  It's well worth your time if you want to increase your business.


Over300 of you have already signed up for Thursday evening's FREE WEBINAR:
Business-Building and Success Strategies in the NewEconomy
, with my two guests (and Mentors), Bill Walsh and Dr. RichSchuttler.

I'vereceived several questions in the last 48 hours about the webinar, so I thoughtthe best way to address them would be here:

Can People Who Aren't On Your Mailing List Register?

Feel free to share the information with your downline, sideline, etc. This is a free webinar and it's open to anyone looking to run a moresuccessful, efficient stamping business.  Just forward them to this link.

Who are Bill Walsh and Dr. Rich Schuttler?

Youcan read their bios here, but, in a nutshell, Bill isa fellow Coach, business owner, venture capitalist and one of the best speakersI've ever seen.  He has a straight-to-the-point, no nonsense style, andhas helped tens of thousands of business owners around the world.  He has thatperfect combination of motivation and information that make for great Coaches.

Dr.Rich is an Organizational Strategist.  He works with businesses of allsizes (home-based to corporate) and helps get them running with militaryprecision.  I use those words intentionally, as Dr. Rich spent 23 years inthe Navy.  He's also one of the most charitable people I know, anddedicated to bringing business education to economically disadvantaged peoplearound the world.

Can I Ask Questions?

Absolutely. There are several topics I've asked Bill and Dr. Rich to speak on(success-strategies, time management, profitability, etc.), but I've made sureto leave plenty of room for your questions.  You should definitely takeadvantage of that time.

I'llkeep them on the webinar as long as I have to in order to make sure all of yourquestions are answered.

How Long Will The Webinar Run?

At least 60 minutes, but as I said, we'll go longer depending on the number ofquestions.

Will There Be A Recording?

Yes. If you'd like a recording, make sure you sign up for the webinar.  Of course, it would be better for you to be there live, so you can ask questions, but the recording will be sent to you.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I really hope you take advantage of this opportunity.



Hope to see you Thursday night!


43 Fir Street, Town of Jay, NY 12941, USA

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