Day of Gratitude

By | November 25, 2010

Hi Stampers

For those in the US, Happy Thanksgiving!  For the rest of you – Happy Thursday!  Hope you are enjoying your day.

Today is a day of thankfulness, a day be thankful for our loved ones, our kids, our grandchildren, for food on the table, for living in a beautiful place, I am thankful for so many things.

I am also thankful for discovering Stampin' Up!

  • I love that I can pick my hours and pick how successful I want to be.  I used to say I loved my job before I retired, but my husband would reply if you really loved your job, you would work for nothing.  I then knew I really didn't love my job.
  • I can honestly say I love this job and yes, for the first two years (as a hobby demo), I was working for nothing!  And I stilled loved it!

Now I have my customers and for that I am thankful

  • That you support me in my business, because without you I would not be as successful.
  • That we can share our love of crafting together, whether it's making cards, 3d  projects, or other projects.
  • That we can share our thoughts, our laughter, our good times at class and that we've become such good friends even though we come from a diversity of life.
  • But best of all, if it wasn't for my stamping business, I would not have met you and that would have been a shame.  I have met so many people through my business, my blog, attending events and formed relationships that will last a life time.  That is the best part of this business.

Oops, I almost forgot the card I made for today's post.  It's from the My Digital Studio. 

It never fails to amaze me how easy this program is to use.  Did you know you can get it for 50% off until 30 November.  Check it out here!

Thanks for stopping by today





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