Customer Spotlight

By | October 27, 2010

Hi Stampers

Today I thought I'd share a card one of my customers (Martha G) made for one of her good friends.

Just yesterday I finished a card for a good friend who is retiring soon.  I struggled for many days to come up with a design that reflected his successful career and his strong faith in God.  He graduated from Oklahoma Univ so I started with his school colors of red and white and when I went to my Riding Hood Red paper, I found some old DP that includes Baja Breeze so that gave me red/white/blue to reflect his years of service to our country but I was still stuck for a layout.  Then I saw my Pedaling Past stamp set on my desk and it all came together.



Thank tiy Martha for sharing your awesome card with us.


2 thoughts on “Customer Spotlight

  1. lisa808

    Beautifully designed card. What a great idea to use the bicycles. I’m sure Martha’s friend was quite touched.


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