Craft Time!

By | August 16, 2018
Time to Craft
It’s August and that means it’s totes time to go Back to Craft!
Summer’s winding down. And while kids are going back to school, for us it’s back to craft time. After all, autumn is the time for creating handmade cards and gifts.
To help you organize and prepare for this busy season, we’re offering an incredible deal on the Journey Business Tote, now only $19.95 and the Journey On Rolling Tote, now $49.95.
The totes are now available for your customers to purchase!  Is that a win, win, win? Totes Magoats!
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An additional fun spin: Twelve lucky crafters purchasing a Journey Tote between August 15 and September 30 will find a special something inside!
Within 12 of the totes sold during the Back to Craft promotion period, the Journey Crew will be surprising some of you with some very cool gifties, including two Platinum machines, a selection of craft tools and a bunch of other fun FSJ items. Totes are available while supplies last.



  • SHOP ONLINE: If you need any supplies, please click here
  • QUESTIONS:  If you have any questions, please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail.
  • NEED A CATALOG?  I’d like to send you one if you don’t already have a coach.  Leave me a comment or send me an e-mail and request a catalog.






  • Shop Online Anytime and Earn FREE STAMPS
  • Sign Up for my Customer Newsletter (see top right sidebar)

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