Convention Highlights

By | July 18, 2011

Hi Stampers

I'm setting up several picasa albums so that you can see all the displays but in the meantime, I wanted to show a couple of pictures (no particular order) from the convention.

Opening day 
Opening day – Can you spot me???


For all the general assemblies, I was able to sit up front.  One of the perks of recruiting in June 2011!

DSC08601 Susan, Coleen (co-founder SUDSOl) and me!

I finally met Susan Else Morton.  She was my convention buddy from last year and was able to purchase so many things for me.  She is the nicest, sweetest person I've ever met   She won several awards at Convention – go Susan!

Sandi McIver and Lee Conrey – I follow their blogs and I was so honored to meet them.  They do beautiful work and received several awards.

They had a wonderful place to relax (big comfy sofa's, sweets to nibble on and beautiful displays) back in the corner and away from all the activity that was around us.  I was entitled because I recruited one person in June!


DSC08600Group of demonstrator from Ventura County, CA (Thousand Oaks, Simi Valley).  Small world!  I used to live in Ventura County.

Ellen (SU Presenter/Emplyee), Norma and Annette.  We met so many wonderful SU employees that were staying at the same hotel as we.
During the VIP tour of the home office, everyone in that group was given a bag of candy with a beautiful tag that was signed by Shelli!

Last day of convention – on our way out the door of the Salt Palace.  Waaaaaaaaawaaaaaa – have to wait 12 months for the fun to begin again!

 I'll have a card for you tomorrow using one of the FREE Stamp Sets from Convention.

Thanks for stopping by today!

2 thoughts on “Convention Highlights

  1. Angela

    Rachel that opening day picture & trying to spot you is a total where’s waldo book page? lol! looks like you had a blast!


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