Christmas Keepsake Box

By | October 13, 2011

Perhaps we can send out an e-mail to our own customers telling them that the Christmas Keepsake Box is available for a limited time!

Go for it!


Advertisement in Woman's Day Magazine

October 13, 2011

This week a holiday supplement of Woman’s Day Magazine will be hitting the stands, and in it you’ll see a beautiful advertisement from Stampin’ Up! We have attached this advertisement here so you can see it without needing to buy the magazine.

The purpose this advertisement is to introduce Stampin’ Up! to potential new customers, and ultimately connect them with demonstrators through the Demonstrator Finder. In some advertisements–including this one–we direct readers to a unique web address that allows us to count what kind of response the advertisement generates. In this case, this web page contains instructions for making the Christmas Stocking project featured in the advertisement, along with a link to a special offer designed to help new customers connect with a demonstrator through online ordering. We have Christmas Keepsake Boxes (item#129024) left over from a previous recruiting promotion, and thought these would be perfect to help new customers get engaged in papercrafting in time for the holidays! While the Christmas Keepsake Box (Pines & Poinsettias stamp set not included) will be available to anyone from now until December 31, the offer is primarily designed as an incentive for new customers who respond to this advertisement, and we will not be promoting it otherwise.

If you see this advertisement, we ask that as demonstrators, you avoid going to the unique web address, as it will skew the tracking numbers and not give us an accurate count of how many people responded to the advertisement.

Thank you for your help as we work to connect you with new customers!


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