Building your Stamping Business

By | November 3, 2011

By John SanPietro

Building Your Stamping Business – Four Destructive Myths

Building your stamping business can be difficult under the best circumstances.  However, it becomes much more difficult when you factor some very common, preconceived notions about how to best run our business into the mix.

These are ideas and theories we've heard so often, we assume they must be true.  A little investigation, however, shows they're actually quite detrimental to the effective and efficient running of our business.

Tony Schwartz has written a great article for the Harvard Business Review entitled "Four Destructive Myths Most Companies Still Live By." 

The Four Myths are:

  1. Multitasking Is Critical In A World Of Infinite Demand
  2. A Little Bit of Anxiety Helps Us Perform Better
  3. Creativity Is Genetically Inherited, and It's Impossible To Teach
  4. The Best Way To Get Work Done Is To Work Longer Hours

If you're trying to build your stamping business, and you're letting yourself be influenced by any of these four myths, you may want to take a look at the full article.

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