Blog Candy Details

By | September 15, 2009

Here are the blog candy details:

Leave a comment on any of the posts between the dates 16 through 30 September and you name will be entered into a contest to win any of the following prizes. 

  1. Gift of Christmas (115372) $18.95
  2. Very Thankful (115338) $14.95
  3. Scary Skeleton (113244) $13.95 
  4. You & Moi (11716) $12.95
  5. Any of the Designer Series Paper for $9.95
  6. Sweet Birthday (115564) $7.95


  1. You can leave a comment on as many posts as you like between the above dates but only one comment per post. 
  2. Your name will be entered for every comment you make
  3. Once you win a prize, you are not eligible for any other prizes during this contest period. 
  4. Winners will be notified via this blog so please be back on 1 October  to check the list of winners.
  5. Winner must contact me with their address and e-mail address with ten days of selection (In the past, I've had to hunt down people to let them know they won a prize.)
  6. If a winner does not notify me within the ten days, I will select another winner. (This information will be posted on my blog).
  7. US only – sorry!

Thanks so much and GOOD LUCK!

I will have a handmade card for your tomorrow – I promise!  It is so hard to get away from the "My Digital Studio" and I feel I am neglecting my stamps, paper, ink and embellishments.  Poor things! LOL

This post will stay at the top until 30 September 2009.  Scroll down for the latest projects.

26 thoughts on “Blog Candy Details

  1. KathyC

    I really enjoy your blog Rachel! Your MDS samples are coming out very nice. Thanks for all the blog candy offerings–very generous!

  2. Michaela

    Hi Rachel
    i visit your Blog every time and i love all your Works :o)
    The Blog Candy you give away was amazing,thanks for the chance :o)
    Have an nice day

  3. Tammy Jackson

    Great work! Thanks for sharing it with everone. Don’t you just LOVE MDS? Thanks for offering the CANDY!

  4. Chris Austin

    You have a very nice blog. I bet it is hard trying to decide what to play with…..hhmmmm is it going to be stamps today? Anytime you get a new toy you really want to use it a lot. I will be checking back often. I would love to win also!!

  5. Sanwanya

    Love this give away,And I know what you mean about the digital scrapbooking..I love it!!Thanks for your kind heart and this wonderful give away!!

  6. Missy

    How nice of you to do this! It is very generous! Thanks for the chance to win! I love your site! You do such beautiful work! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  7. Angela Mireles

    I look forward to the daily inspiration your blog brings ๐Ÿ™‚ The candy is an added extra for sure!

  8. Barb Slaughter

    WOW, how nice of you to offer such wonderful blog candy. Your blog has such inspiration.. Thanks for sharing and giving me the nudge that I need.
    Barb Slaughter

  9. lisa808

    I’m an E-mail subscriber and I look forward each day to your postings. Thanks for the chance to win some candy!

  10. Carol Parcell

    That’s some wonderful blog candy…thanks for the chance to win…and for all your inspirations!

  11. Julie A.

    Great card! Love the dispenser! I’d hate to think the card would get damaged to get to the candy:) My youngest is a candy corn connoisseur! LOL!

  12. jmniffer

    Thanks for the chance(s) to win some fun blog candy. So kind of you to share. jmniffer

  13. Marisol Gutierrez

    Rachel…thank you for the opportunity to win some Yummy Yum…I got my eye on Scary Skeleton…
    Marisol Gutierrez

  14. wanda

    Love your giveaway – and am enjoying your blog too, now that I’ve found it. TFS with all of us thru your blog.

  15. Ashley B

    Thanks for sharing your cards, tips, and new ways to use great products for a completely different look. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to win some blog candy!


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