Blog Candy

By | May 13, 2012

Hi Stampin' Friends

A Belated Mother's Day.  Hope you had a wonderful weekend and a wonderful day.

How about some blog candy!  I'm giving away the Simply Sent Everyday Elegance, Manhattan Flower Embossing Folder and Cherry Cobbler Baker's Twine.  For a chance to win this, leave a comment on any blog post  between today (13 May 2012) and  20 May 2012.  I draw a winner using on Monday, 21 May 2012 and announce it on this blog.

Thanks for stopping by today


12 thoughts on “Blog Candy

  1. Judy R.

    Happy Mother’s Day! Hope your day was fabulous. My family and I went to the park for picnic like we do every year. It’s a beautiful day out today. Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy!

  2. Debbie G

    Belated Happy Mothers Day, Rachel. Hope you had a wonderful day. Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy.

  3. laura j

    how nice of you to offer blog candy! i enjoy being a subscriber and reading your blog posts!

  4. Janet Swofford

    Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you too! I hope you had a great one! I know I did . I got to see both of my kids together which is rare these days. So, wonderful times ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome blog candy!!!
    Inky hugs,


    Happy Mother Day Rachel and Stef! I hope you enjoyed your day! I did, all my kids and grandchildren got together, It was one of the day best I’ve enjoyed. I am so blessed:) God has been so good to me. Also I want to say how I look forward to your beautiful cards, I can’t say enough how tatented you are. Keep doing a great job! you are honesty an inspiration to me and I know many others too.

  6. Glennis F

    Hope all the Mothers had a lovely day. Thanks for the chance to win this candy – I absolutely love the manhattan rose, and I don’t think it is available here. Great timing too as the 19th is my birthday – what a treat this would be!


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