Blog Candy

By | October 31, 2012

Hi Stampin' Friends

I think it's time for some blog candy.  For a chance to win this candy, all you have to do is tell me your favorite Halloween costume (can be yours or your kids or friends,etc.).

I'll take comments until 3 November 2012 (9:00 pm CDT) and use to select a winner on 4 November 2012 and announce it on this blog.  The prize is the Stamp Set, Reason to Smile, in clear mount.

Good Luck!


Thanks for stopping by today


5 thoughts on “Blog Candy

  1. Kathy Hering

    Hello, my favorite costume this year was my daughter, she was a Hippy Chick and won first prize at her school dance. Thanks for the chance, Kathy H

  2. lisa808

    Hi Rachel,
    Quite a few years back I dressed up as Minnie Mouse for a party. I think that was probably my favorite costume.
    Happy (belated) Halloween!

  3. Janet Swofford

    My favorite costumes were ones I made for my children when they were little. I made a dinosaur costume for my son and a rose costume for my daughter. They turned out so cute 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win the fabulous blog candy!
    Inky hugs,

  4. Julie Temple

    Oh, there have been SEVERAL favorites for me. One time I had a wild idea to go as a bag of leaves. It was super simple…just too a black garbage bag, stuffed it with bubble wrap, then took some silk leaves I got at Hobby Lobby and attatched them around the neck and arm holes of the bag. People thought is was such a cool idea, and honestly, I thought it was one of the easiest costumes I ever made…LOL!
    Thanks for the chance at the stamps…love this set!

  5. Judy

    I used to make all my kids’ Halloween costumes when they were young. I liked the cowboy/cowgirl ones the best. They both won first place for those costumes! I have kept all the ones I made for sentimental reasons. Although my kids are teenagers now, my older son likes me to transform a plain hoodie into a favorite tv character. This year it was Batman.


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