Arm Wrestling

By | May 28, 2010

Good Morning Stampers

Today's share is a scrapbook page made with the My Digital Studio.


Sometimes I think I have one more grandchild than I actually have because when my husband David gets around the kids, he is as bad as they are (LOL).  He loves to play arm wrestling with them and always lets them win, especially little Rachel.  But he did say the other day that it's getting hard and harder to beat little David at this game.

Okay, in case you did not know there are four Davids in our family.  David (my husband), David (my son-in-law), David (his dad) and Little David (my grandson).  There are two Rachels – me and my granddaughter Rachel.  It can get quite confusing when we are all together.

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One thought on “Arm Wrestling

  1. freida

    What a FABULOUS layout! 🙂 This will be cherished thru the years! 🙂


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