Another contest

By | April 16, 2010

Good Morning Stampers!

Time for another contest.  If you are a customer of mine, be on the lookout for the Summer Mini Catalog.  If you haven't received it already, you will soon.  When you do receive it, hold on to it.  I'm going to be calling you to ask the following question:  "What stamp set on page __ begins with the letter __?"  If you can answer the question when I call, you'll win a $10.00 gift certificate!".  There will be as many prizes are there are right answers so be sure and look at the mini catalog when it  comes in.

If you would like a copy of the Summer mini catalog, please let me know and I will get one out to you ASAP.

Thanks for visiting today!


One thought on “Another contest

  1. Julie

    WOO HOO this sounds like FUN! Hope I am not working IF you call! hehehehe

    Can’t wait to see the new Mini!


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