And the winners are?????

By | July 1, 2010

Good Morning Stampers

I'm in such a good mood!  Friday's my New Catalog Party and i's going to be fun, fun, fun (at least I hope so for my guests!) (LOL).  But mainly I'm in a good mood because my air conditioning is working!!

Okay, okay, enough small talk –  I know you want to know who won the contests I had going this month:

Doing the happy dance Doing the happy dance Doing the happy dance

  1. The survey contest (it seems the majority would like to see the markers, card stock and ink pads sold separately). The winner is Vanglesey (she didn't leave a full name or address). If she doesn't respond in a week, I'll announce another winner.
  2. Free Stamp Set of the Month: Carrie Holder – Carrie, I'll get the stamp set, Picture This, in the mail to you.
  3. Facebook Fan Contest: Jamie Adcock. Jamie, please send me you address and I'll get the Patterns Pack III out in the mail to you.

Thanks to everyone who participated in my contests.  Stay tune – I'll have a couple more going this month in a couple of days.  I need to get back to get ready for tomorrow's party!

Thanks for visiting



2 thoughts on “And the winners are?????

  1. Jamie Adcock

    Woo Hoo! Thanks so much Rachel. Have fun at your New Catalog Party.


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